Fall 2019 Edition CONTENTS:
Content for You to Use
Engaging Content for Your Social Media Pages from Western National

With the number of social media users growing every year, it is more important than ever to have a presence online. And while being active on social media makes it easier for your clients to find you and connect with you, constantly coming up with new content can be a challenge.


If you’re looking for relevant and engaging content to share with your clients, why not check out Western National’s social media platforms? We have company pages on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn where we share a variety of content. Follow us to get access to content that you can repost on your own social media pages or share with your clients, including safety tips and awareness topics, local and national insurance industry information, infographics, holiday illustrations, blog articles, company news, and more.


Here are a few recent highlights from our social media pages:

Sharable Content From Our Blog

Western National’s Resources Blog provides articles of interest on both personal and commercial lines topics. You can access our Blog by clicking here. If you’re looking for content to share on your website or in an agency newsletter or email, our Blog contains lots of original content that you can republish for your own purposes. (All you have to do is leave the article intact and add the text “Source: Western National Insurance” at the bottom of the article). Click on our Blog’s “Permission-Free Use” category for a full list of articles that can be shared.

Western National Insurance | Announce Fall 2019 Edition