Recent Agency Survey Results

Twice a year we send a survey to a sample of our agency partners regarding satisfaction with our Group’s services (underwriting, claims, customer service, communications, and more). Overall, the most recent survey showed a year-over-year increase in agents’ positive sentiment toward the Western National Insurance Group (WNIG).

Other highlights from the survey results:

  • For the tenth survey in a row, the top five words associated with WNIG remained the same: “knowledgeable”, “friendly”, “helpful”, “fair”, and “courteous”.
  • Less than 1% of agents indicated that WNIG’s customer service to policyholders is “below average” compared to other carriers they represent. In fact, the majority of our agents reported our customer service is “above average” compared to other carriers.
  • Scores for the statement “I believe the Western National Insurance Group is moving in the right direction” continue to increase year-over-year.
  • Scores for the statement, “I have a good working relationship with my Underwriting Team” have increased for each underwriting area — Commercial, Personal, and Surety.

As a whole, the survey results were positive, and areas where agents indicated we should focus our efforts (i.e., work on our AgentsOnline site and billing systems) are areas where we are continuing to improve.





Western National Insurance   |  Announce  |  Spring 2016 Edition