Results From Our Latest Agency Survey

Every six months (typically in May and November), we send a survey to a sample of our Western National and Umialik agency partners that asks about their satisfaction with our Group’s services (underwriting, claims, customer service, communications, and more). We want to take a moment to report back on the results of our most recent agency survey, which was conducted in November and which we’ve since been reviewing for insights and benchmark comparisons.


Highlights from the survey results:


  • Our Group’s overall Net Promoter Score (NPS), which takes the percentage of agents who would actively promote WNIG to
    friends/family and subtracts the percentage who would detract from it, is at +43.2 (on a scale of -100 to +100).
  • The clear majority of the agents surveyed indicated their “experience of working with Western National/Umialik to get business done” either met or exceeded their expectations. We will continue to work hard to provide outstanding service and to exceed the expectations of our agency partners.
  • The top five words associated with Western National remained mostly the same: “helpful”, “friendly”, “knowledgeable”, “courteous”, and “responsive”. We believe it’s a testament to our brand and our focus on relationships that “friendly” is always the first or second most associated word with our Group, and in general that the top five words are consistent and positive.


Thank you to everyone who provided input – your feedback is valuable to us! We’ll continue to collect input in the months ahead and look for ways in which we can anticipate your needs and provide impressive solutions. If you would like to submit additional feedback for Western National, please click here.



Western National Insurance   |  Announce  |  Spring 2017 Edition