Western National Insurance   |  Announce  |  Summer 2018 Edition

2018 Intern Feature

D’aviyan Robinson  |  Personal Lines Intern

The college I attend is...
University of Minnesota — Twin Cities (Minneapolis, Minn.)

My major is...
Cellular and Organismal Physiology

One thing I learned while interning at Western National…
Never be afraid to ask questions, because it's better to ask than to make problems later.

Someone that I look up to is…
I think Zendaya is amazing because of her passion and being so outspoken. What she
stands for really resonates with me.

If I could pick up a new skill in an instant it would be…
I would love to be able to sing well.

The best food that I have ever had is…
It's hard to think of one specific thing, but one thing I like are cheese curds from
the State Fair.

Three things on my bucket list are…
1. Travel to Thailand
2. Master another language
3. Learn to play the piano

Hannah Moczynski  |  Claims Intern

The college I attend is...
Winona State University (Winona, Minn.)

My major is...
Social Work

One thing I learned while interning at Western National…
Going for a walk is a great way to take a break!

Someone that I look up to is…
Brene Brown, she is a wonderful social worker and is very insightful with a great 
platform. I would love to meet her one day and get her thoughts on current events!

If I could pick up a new skill in an instant it would be…
How to save money…haha!

The best food that I have ever had is…
My dad's homemade frosting

Three things on my bucket list are…
1. Get on the jumbotron at a Twins game
2. Go to Italy
3. Have a career that I enjoy

JOSH POST  |  Accounting Intern

The college I attend is...
Winona State University (Winona, Minn.)

My major is...

One thing I learned while interning at Western National…
How to better use Excel and other programs

Someone that I look up to is…
Bill Gates because he is a self-made billionaire

If I could pick up a new skill in an instant it would be…

The best food that I have ever had is…

Three things on my bucket list are…
1. Skydiving
2. Surfing
3. Deep sea fishing

MEGAN CORNELL  |  Customer Relationship Center Intern

The college I attend is...
Dartmouth College (Hanover, N.H.)

My major is...
Government and Psychology

One thing I learned while interning at Western National…
The importance of customer service and what it means to the company’s success.

Someone that I look up to is…
I look up to all the upperclassmen on my hockey team. This last year was my freshman
year in college and my first time living away from home. So, everything was new, as there was an adjustment in the surroundings, education, and athletics. It could have been easy
to feel overwhelmed or lost, but I was grateful to have them around and be able to ask them any questions.

If I could pick up a new skill in an instant it would be…
I’d want to be really good at cooking.

The best food that I have ever had is…
A Reuben from Cecil’s Deli in St. Paul

Three things on my bucket list are…
1. Go to Europe and see countries like Ireland, Austria, and Italy
2. Learn how to waterski    
3. Run in a half marathon

SAM HEBEISEN  |  IT App Dev & Data Management Intern

The college I attend is...
Purdue University (West Lafayette, Ind.)

My major is...
Mechanical Engineering

One thing I learned while interning at Western National…
A lot of work goes into providing the best customer experience.

Someone that I look up to is…
Abraham Lincoln because he never gave up working toward his goals and always stayed
true to his values. He was a strong leader, yet compassionate and humble.

If I could pick up a new skill in an instant it would be…
A simple magic trick, such as making a coin disappear or guessing a card

The best food that I have ever had is…
My mom’s chili

Three things on my bucket list are…
1. Ride a flying pig
2. See hell freeze over
3. Watch the Vikings win a Super Bowl

TOM CAVANAGH  |  Personal Lines Intern

The college I attend is...
University of North Dakota (Grand Forks, N.D.)

My major is...
Supply Chain Management

One thing I learned while interning at Western National…
Using different computer systems

Someone that I look up to is…
Michael Jordan because he knows how to get the job done

If I could pick up a new skill in an instant it would be…
Laser focus because I’m very easily distracted

The best food that I have ever had is…
Steaks from Kowalski’s

Three things on my bucket list are…
1. Living in a penthouse
2. Visiting Europe
3. Going to every single NHL arena

TYLER JO GERONIMO  |  Commercial Lines Intern

The college I attend is...
 The University of Washington (Seattle, Wash.)

My major is...
Biology and Medical Anthropology

One thing I learned while interning at Western National…
How important everyone is and what they bring to the table in working both
collaboratively and efficiently

Someone that I look up to is…
My grandma for her hard work and care she did and continues to do all for her family

If I could pick up a new skill in an instant it would be…
If having a photographic memory is a learnable skill, then I would love to have that. If not,
then it would be to be fluent in several languages.

The best food that I have ever had is…
Any dessert with chocolate, but also a fresh fruit acai bowl I had in Hawaii

Three things on my bucket list are…
1. Travel around the world
2. Go snorkeling
3. Learn sign language