Western National Insurance   |  Announce  |  Winter 2017 Edition

Western National Welcomes Jeff Couchman to the Western Region

Western National’s Western Region continues to grow, with our Seattle office alone now writing about 25% of our Group’s commercial lines premium. To continue to support and build on these results, Jeff Couchman (SVP, Marketing & Agency Sales) has recently taken on the added responsibility of managing Western National’s Seattle office. Jeff is no stranger to many of our employees in Seattle, having been responsible for the office’s results during his first three years at Western National (2008 - 2011). Given his responsibility in Agency Sales (which has not changed with this move), he is also very familiar with the agencies who partner with Seattle; so this is an excellent fit!

Jeff is working directly with Steve Richards (VP, Western Region) and our Seattle team to profitably grow our six Western Region states, and for the time being he is splitting his time between Western National’s Edina and Seattle offices. (Steve continues to handle office responsibilities for Seattle, in addition to managing day-to-day underwriting duties there.) We look forward to the benefits Jeff’s addition will bring to our partnerships in the Western Region.