Western National Insurance   |  Announce  |  Winter 2017 Edition

Manufacturer’s E&O Coverage Now Available

Western National is now offering a Manufacturer’s Errors and Omissions (Manufacturer’s E&O) endorsement on Commercial Package Policies (CPP) for select classes. This coverage is available for policies with effective dates of November 1, 2017 or later and applies to the following states: Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Utah. Click here to view the full list of eligible classes.

The Manufacturer’s E&O endorsement provides liability coverage on a claims-made basis for damages resulting from the policyholder’s faulty workmanship, materials, or products. It’s designed to bridge the gap in Product Liability coverage created by certain business risk exclusions. This coverage has limits of $100,000; $300,000; $500,000; or $1 million in all applicable states, excluding South Dakota*. You can now request this coverage on a CPP application and complete a supplemental application (available in AgentsOnline) to start the underwriting process. Eligibility is subject to standard underwriting approval.

* South Dakota has limits of $50,000; $100,000; or $1 million.