Winter 2020 Edition CONTENTS:
Western National Insurance | Announce Winter 2020 Edition
Content for You to Use
Blog: Cyber Security Tips for Shopping Online

Shopping online can be quick and convenient. However, online shopping can also pose some risks. If you’re planning on doing some online shopping, keep the following tips in mind to help keep your personal and financial information secure...



Click here to learn more.

Blog: Celebrate the Season of Light Safely

Candles, lights, and decorations are an essential part of the holiday season. Unfortunately, they also increase the risk of fire and injury. To have a safe and happy holiday season, the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) recommends following these important safety tips...



Click here to learn more.

Tip: Reduce Your Carbon Monoxide Risk

Colder days ahead mean more time indoors. And with more time indoors there is an increased risk of being exposed to carbon monoxide. Learn about carbon monoxide and what steps you can take to reduce your risk here.

Tip: How to Safely Transport a Christmas Tree

Do you have plans to pick out the perfect Christmas tree this week? Keep this tip in mind, and check out more tips for safely transporting your tree here.