Fall 2021 Edition CONTENTS:
Content for You to Use

With more than 4.2 billion active users across the globe, social media has become an essential tool for reaching your customers, gaining valuable insights, and growing your brand. And while being active on social media makes it easier for your clients to find you and connect with you, constantly coming up with new content can be a challenge.


Follow Western National on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to access a variety of relevant and engaging content, including safety tips, insurance industry topics, holiday illustrations, blog articles, company news, and more.  You can repost the content we share to your own social media pages or share it in agency emails and digital newsletters.


Below are a few timely content ideas for you to use.

Topics To Discuss With Your Independent Insurance Agent When Buying A Home

Buying a new home is an exciting milestone! Consider discussing these topics with your Independent Insurance Agent so that you can enjoy your new home while knowing that it is properly insured.

Increase Your Security Online With Multi-Factor Authentication

From work to social media, and from banking to doctor appointments – With so much of our lives being conducted online, taking steps to safeguard our accounts and information is critical. Here is a tip about multi-factor authentication to help you increase your online security.

Keep Your Chimney Clean

Buying a new home is an exciting milestone! Consider discussing these topics with your Independent Insurance Agent so that you can enjoy your new home while knowing that it is properly insured.

Blog: How Should I Prepare For A Loss Control Consultation Visit?

Are you a business owner who has an upcoming Loss Control visit? If so, our blog article will help you prepare for your visit so that you and your Loss Control Consultant can work together to assess your workplace and minimize any potential risks.

Western National Insurance | Announce Fall 2021 Edition