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Year-to-Date April Results

Through April 30, 2024, written premium for our group is at $313 million, which represents slightly more than double-digit year-over-year premium growth from new and renewal business. Our combined ratio is tracking our target of 95.5% which puts us in a position of strength as we enter the more volatile late spring and summer convective storm season. The opportunity you provide as agent partners supporting the retention of existing business and opportunity for new business sustains our resiliency to climate-related uncertainty and our continued investment in technology and products.

Rick’s Roller

As some of you may know, I am an avid hot dog fan. Fortunately for me, or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, Western National’s newest asset is a hot dog roller, which has officially been dubbed “Rick’s Roller”. Even though my love for hot dogs has been the punch line of a few jokes, I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to partake in my favorite food with great company from my colleagues. If you ever visit our Edina office and find that the smell of hot dogs permeates the air, I invite you to enjoy a hot dog on Western National.

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2024 Agency Award Winners

This is our eleventh year of selecting agency-specific awards, and the theme is profitable premium growth, with weightings on loss ratio, historical results, and prior year results.

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Trainee Program Open House

This spring, we welcomed candidates for our Claims Trainee Program to our Edina office for an open house event. The candidates met with our employees and learned more about Western National, our Claims Trainee Program, and the many opportunities that the insurance industry has to offer.

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Agency Anniversaries


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