In Case You Missed It

In This Edition:

From the Blog: An Employee Has Been Injured at My Business. What Should I Do?

Western National’s Resources Blog provides articles of interest on both personal and commercial lines topics. If you’re looking for content to share on your website or in an agency newsletter or email, our Blog contains lots of original content that you can republish for your own purposes. (All you have to do is leave the article intact and add the text “Source: Western National Insurance” at the bottom of the article). Click on our Blog’s “Permission-Free Use” category for a full list of articles that can be shared.

As an employer, it is vital to have a protocol in place to ensure all employees know what to do when an injury occurs at work. A key piece of this protocol is advising employees to report all injuries immediately. This will allow you, as the employer, to get the injured employee the proper medical treatment in a timely fashion. It will also help you understand what causes injuries and what you may be able to do to prevent them in the future.

For the full blog post, click here.

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New TechAdvantage™ Commercial Equipment Breakdown and Technology Coverage Available

Western National is transitioning to an enhanced Equipment Breakdown coverage form for all new and renewal commercial business with effective dates beginning October 1, 2016 in all states except Alaska and Washington, and beginning December 1, 2016 in Alaska and Washington.

Trends in technology, such as miniaturization, portability, and cloud computing, are creating costly and complicated risks for business owners. Recognizing this risk, Western National has partnered with Hartford Steam Boiler to offer TechAdvantageTM, an enhanced Equipment Breakdown and Technology coverage form that expands coverage to protect against losses caused by technology related failures.

TechAdvantageTM includes all of the coverages, services, and benefits associated with Western National’s traditional Equipment Breakdown product, along with a variety of enhanced features. For example, the new TechAdvantageTM form:

  • Expands coverage (using Microelectronics coverage) to instances when physical damage is not detectable, with no sub-limits or deductibles. Microelectronics coverage pays as it would in the event of an equipment breakdown accident.
  • Adds cloud computing services to service interruption coverage
  • Adds data restoration coverage for data lost when there is a covered service interruption, such as loss of electricity
  • Expands payment for off-premises and mobile equipment breakdown beyond physical damage to include business interruption and extra expense
  • Pays for public relations assistance to help manage a damaged reputation

For additional information, click here.

TechAdvantageTM is a trademark of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company.

This is a summary of coverages. For all coverages, terms, conditions, and exclusions, refer to the actual insurance policy.

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Western National Insurance   |  Announce  |  Winter 2016 - 2017 Edition