Winter 2019 Edition CONTENTS:

5 Thoughts With Stu

Updates from Western National's President & CEO Stu Henderson

1. Third Quarter Results

Through September 30, 2019, written premium for our Group (not including affiliate Michigan Millers) is at $544.6 million—which puts us slightly behind goal and with some ground yet to make up in the remaining months of the year (due in part to a challenging year for losses and storm activity). Our loss ratio is 57.6% (vs. goal of 56.3%), our loss adjustment expense ratio is 10.7% (vs. goal of 10.2%), and our underwriting expense ratio is 28.1% (vs. goal of 28.3%)—adding up to a combined ratio of 96.4%. While that’s not a bad place to be, it will take the continued hard work of our employees and agency partners over the remaining weeks of 2019 to meet our annual goals.

2. Plans to Replace Our Policy and Billing Administration Systems

3. Patricia M. Harris Appointed to Senior Management Team as Senior Vice President

I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Patricia (Pattie) Harris as Senior Vice President and as the newest member of our Group’s Senior Management team. Pattie joined Western National in 2014 as Vice President of Personal Lines, after over 20 years of progressively more responsible roles in Underwriting, Sales, Customer Service, and management at Minnesota Fire & Casualty, Farmers Home, and General Casualty/QBE. Since joining our Group, she has taken on the added responsibility for Data Management, and most recently for all Product Development teams. I have found myself seeking Pattie out for opinions and guidance on many issues over the last several years, so it only makes sense to bring her talents directly to the team who will decide the future of our companies. I look forward to Pattie’s contributions for many years to come.

4. Western National Recognized with Platinum +Green Wellness by Design Award

5. Thank you for your partnership!

Western National Insurance | Announce Winter 2019 Edition