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Inside this issue:

2011 Plan from Stu

Employee Profile: Ruth Lunde & Jenny Young, Project Managers

Welcome to Our Newest Partner Agencies

Celebrating Milestone Agency Anniversaries

In Memoriam: Remembering George Klouda

$50 Gift Card Winner: David Hirth (Citizens David Hirth Agency of New Ulm, MN)

Western National's e-Newsletter for Partner Agents
Winter 2011

Employee Profile
Ruth Lunde & Jenny Young

What does a typical day look like as a Project Manager at Western National Insurance? According to Western National Senior Project Manager Ruth Lunde (one half of the group's project management team), a 'typical' day is anything but typical.

“The Project Manager role at Western National is full of variety, so much so that it’s hard to say that any one-day is a typical one for us in the department.  As project managers we are in charge of keeping company projects on task and on budget.  Communication and organization are our biggest assets as we schedule and run meetings, bring in external vendors, and see projects to their conclusion.  Ultimately, it’s hard to explain all of our tasks in a few minutes, but for us, each day is a new challenge and that is definitely a perk.”

The Project Manager position is a fairly new one at Western National, as the Project Office was created in 2008 with the intention to aid the success of backlogged corporate projects.  The Project Office, according to Jenny Young, Project Manager, has developed a lot over the past two years.

“It's been very exciting to be a part of the Project Office inception here at WN.  We've seen it grow and improve with each and every project that we take on.”

According to Young, the excitement and variety of their daily duties are great, but it's not the best part of the job.

“The people and friendships are definitely the best part of the job.  Western National is just an overall wonderful company to be a part of.  After being with Western National for 20+ years of growth, the partnerships with our agents, insureds and employees still very much matter to the company and I'm certain that will never change."

Get to know Ruth & Jenny:

Ruth Lunde
Senior Project Manager

Jenny Young
Project Manager

Austin, MN. I grew up on a farm between Austin & Albert Lea.
Rochester, MN
Now living in:
Chanhassen, MN
Burnsville, MN
Before joining Western National:

I began my career at The St Paul Companies Inc., then went to work for one of their subsidiaries: Western Life, which was purchased by AMEV, which became Fortis, then became Assurant.  I bounced around in various roles and departments over the years, in IT and other areas of the business.

I then took a venture to DeCare, Delta Dental of MN as the Senior Manager in the IT department. 

I came to Western National in 2005 in the role of Applications Development Manager.  In 2008, I moved into the new Project Office as a Senior Project Manager.

I worked for a Title Company in Bismarck, North Dakota before relocating back to MN.

I started at WN in 1990 in the Communication Services Department and have moved several times in the company since then, including: IT, R&D and Corporate.

In 2008, the Project Office was formed and I began a new role in the company as a Project Manager. It's been the biggest and best challenge yet.

In your free time:

I enjoy time with family & friends.  I am also very involved with volunteering at church and in the community.  Organizations I volunteer with include Habitat for Humanity, Thrivent Chapter Board, a prison ministry, donating platelets, and helping at the food shelf and the library. 

I also have a passion for bicycle riding.  In 2010, it was great to complete the Habitat 500 bike ride: it was 500 miles in 7 days.  I enjoyed it so much that I have already signed up for the 2011 Habitat 500.   If you would like more information or to join in this ride, we welcome you!

Keeping up with my husband Paul of 19 years, our 16-year-old daughter McKenna and 12-year-old son Mason keeps me pretty busy. Staying active in school, church and sports activities is a full-time job.

We (and by we, I mean Paul) are also in the process of building a family cabin in Hayward, WI. That has added a whole new dimension to our lives and we're looking forward to many years of memories at the cabin.


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