Spring 2021 Edition CONTENTS:
Content for You to Use
Poison Prevention Tips for Your Household

Each year over 2 million potential poisonings are reported in the U.S., with over 90% of these occurring in the home. Check out the poison prevention tips below to help keep you and your family safe.

Today’s Tip: The Importance of Hard Hats
Today’s Tip: The Importance of Hard Hats

Did you know that the construction industry has the highest amount of traumatic brain injuries in U.S. workplaces? Which is why it is so important for employees to wear hard hats that fit properly and are in good condition when on the job.

Safety Tips for Working From Home

Millions of Americans transitioned to working from home in 2020, many for the first time. Whether you’ve been working in a dedicated home office or at your kitchen table, here are a few simple safety tips to follow.

Weather Alerts

Weather alerts aren’t all the same. With “April Showers” upon us, now is a perfect time to learn more about the differences of those alerts in order to keep safe when rough weather hits.

Western National Insurance | Announce Spring 2021 Edition