Spring 2022 Edition CONTENTS:
Content for You to Use
Safety Tips For Work Zones

As our roadways are built and maintained, it is essential that roadway construction and maintenance zones are safe for workers. When you see the orange signs, SLOW DOWN, BE ALERT, and put down all distractions.

Today's Tip: Playground Safety

As the weather warms up and trips to the park become a recurring activity, it is important to recognize playground safety features. Review the tip below to ensure that your local playgrounds are properly equipped to keep your children safe while they have fun.

Today's Tip: Call Before You Dig

Hitting an underground utility line while digging can disrupt utility service; cost money to repair; or worse, cause serious injury or death. Always call 8-1-1 before you start your digging project and dig safely once your project area has been marked. #CallBeforeYouDig

Distracted Driving Awareness

Did you know that distracted driving is one of the fastest growing safety issues?

Western National Insurance | Announce Spring 2022 Edition