Spring 2022 Edition CONTENTS:
By Rick Long, Western National’s President & CEO
New Personal Auto Products Released We have successfully launched our two new Personal Auto products, Select Auto and Signature Auto, in Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. We are excited to offer these new products that provide more auto insurance options to your current and prospective clients. Please reach out to your Regional Agency Manager if you have any questions about Select Auto or Signature Auto. Select Auto & Signature Auto
First Quarter Results

Through March, 31,2022, our Group financial results (not including affiliate Michigan Millers), as measured by our combined ratio, is 93.7% (vs. goal of 94.1% for the year).
We continue to enjoy very high levels of policyholder retention and direct written premium growth of 7.1%. This solid start for our Group has benefited from a relatively inactive spring storm season in the Midwest. We will, as always, look to our agency partners to help keep this momentum through the balance of the year.

All Employee Annual Meeting

In March, we held our all employee Annual Meeting. It was a great opportunity to come together as a group after being apart for about two years. I certainly enjoyed the chance to see employees in person and deliver some great news about our 2021 Group results to a live audience. I’m already looking forward to next year’s meeting!

Western National Insurance | Announce Spring 2022 Edition